two pounds of beef-suet or marrow, shred very small, add a
pound and a half of almonds blanched, and beat very fine with
rose-water, one pound of grated bread, a pound and a quarter
of fine sugar, a little salt, half an ounce of mace, nutmeg,
cinnamon together, twelve yolks of eggs, four whites, a pint
of sack, a pint and a half of thick cream, some rose- or orange-flower-water.
the cream, tie the saffron in a bag, and dip it in the cream
to colour it.
beat your eggs very well, then stir in your almonds, then
the spice, salt and suet, and mix all your ingredients together.
your guts but half full, put some bits of citron in the guts
as you fill them, tie them up, and boil them a quarter of
an hour, when they will be fit for use.
Farmer's Wife
or, the Complete Country Housewife
London, c. 1780