~ Informative articles on the history of gardening and garden restoration ~

Cookery Through the Ages
Recipes from the Medieval to the Victorian ages.


Roasting a Pig over an Open Fire


Let your fire be stronger at each end than in the middle, or otherwise hang a flat iron, commonly called a pig-iron, in the centre of the grate.

Put into your pig a small piece of butter, some pepper, salt, and sage cut fine.

Having floured it well, put it to the fire, and continue flouring it till the skin is quite crisp.

When the gravy begins to run, put basins under the pig, and save it to send to table.

When you judge the pig to be almost done, put a piece of butter in a coarse cloth, and rub it for a few minutes, till the crackling grows hard, and then take it up.

Having laid it in a dish without drawing out the spit, separate the head from the body, and cut the pig in two equal pieces.

Cut the under jaw in two, and lay at each side of it, and the ears at each end.

Bruise the brains fine, mix them with sage, and putting them into the gravy which has been saved, and thereto some melted butter, and send this sauce to the table with the pig.

It is common custom in the country to eat current-sauce with pig, and every country housewife knows how to make it.



The Farmer's Wife
or, the Complete Country Housewife

London, c. 1780



Please also visit Old London Maps on the web as many of the maps
and views available there have plans and depictions of gardens from
the medieval period through to the late nineteenth century.

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