~ Informative articles on the history of gardening and garden restoration ~

Cookery Through the Ages
Recipes from the Medieval to the Victorian ages.


Hare Soup

Take a large hare, cut it in pieces. Put it into an earthen mug, with three blades of mace, two large onions, a little salt, a red herring, or a couple of anchovies, half a dozen large morels, a pint of red wine, and three quarts of water.

Bake it three hours in a quick oven, and then strain the liquor into a stewpan. Have ready four ounces of French barley, which put in; just scald the liver, and rub it through a sieve with a wooden spoon.

Put it in the soup and set it over the fire, and keep it stirring near boiling, and then take it off.

It must not boil.

Put some crisped bread into the tureen and pour the soup on it.



Taken from Duncan MacDonald, The New London Family Cook, c. 1800

Please also visit Old London Maps on the web as many of the maps
and views available there have plans and depictions of gardens from
the medieval period through to the late nineteenth century.

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