~ Informative articles on the history of gardening and garden restoration ~

Cookery Through the Ages
Recipes from the Medieval to the Victorian ages.


Great Pies


Take fair young beef, and suet of a fat beast, or of mutton, and hack this all on a small board.

And cast thereunto powder of pepper and salt.

And when it is well hewn, put it in a ball, and meddle (mix)it well, then make a fair large coffin (pastry crust), and couche (bed) some of this stuff in.

Then take capons, hens, mallards, connynges (probably hens)and parboil them clean. Take wood cocks, teles, great birds, and plump them in a boiling pot.

And then bed all this fowl in the coffin, and put in with them a quantity of powder of pepper and salt.

Then take mary (probably marrow), hard yolks of eggs, dates cut in 2 pieces, raisins of courance, prunes, whole cloves, whole maces, cannell (cinnamon) and saffron.

But first, when you have couched all this fowl, lay the remnant of the other stuff of beef about them, as you see fit, and then straw (strew) on them this: dates, mary (marrow), raisins etc.

And then close the coffin with a lid of pastry and put it in the oven.

Let it bake enough. But beware, that when you close up the pie, that no bits of saffron come through the cracks, for then it will never close.

Please also visit Old London Maps on the web as many of the maps
and views available there have plans and depictions of gardens from
the medieval period through to the late nineteenth century.

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